Saturday, October 11, 2008

10 Days later.

So yesterday was officially one week since we arrived in Jasper, and 10 days since we got to Canada. After having a bit of time to soak in the culture and get used to the lingo, I'm still pretty darn happy to be here. The obvious shine has worn off certain things, for example we definitely weren't expecting things to be as expensive as they are here. Stu and I have made some friends through work and we're quickly getting the hang of things here.

I am on my first day off today, I have been working every day since Tuesday. It's nice to have the day off, especially since the weather is sunny. Unfortunately they are still working out the kinks in the work schedules, so Stu and I only have Tuesday off together. Our hours are still a bit sporadic and irregular while we train, so until we're competent and past training stages we can't be guaranteed the time off together.

The work itself is reasonably enjoyable although I must confess it is definitely not what we expected it to be in many areas. We've decided to advise any friends or acquaintances to avoid going through the agency we were recruited through. Reason being we, along with most employees we've spoken to, feel the agency was quite misleading in their information. There are so many opportunities to find work in Canada, do not get sucked into paying an agency to place you. You will be able to find work without their help.

Ok. So. Pros and Cons thus far:

  • Jasper is beautiful. The locals really are so friendly, happy and helpful. I've yet to come across one who hasn't been keen to chat and help.
  • It snows. I'm yet to get sick of that yet.
  • The job is reasonably enjoyable, and we are picking it up fast.
  • The Philadelphia cream cheese here is the BOMB.
  • Bagels are a staple food and accessible.
  • The Canadian food is awesome.
  • Our accommodations are much better than we were expecting. We know we are lucky to not live in the other staff accommodations.
  • There are so many amazing places so close by. You can visit some of the most amazing places on earth and they are right in your backyard.
  • We are both enjoying the different culture
  • They love Aussies here.
  • Everything in town is within walking distance so there's no need for a car or the horrible price of fuel.
  • Once you get chatting with a local, they tend to remember you and do right by you the next time they see you.
  • The weather is pretty cool - you get the sun but also the snow.
  • We are allowed access to all Mountain Park Lodges facilities on our off days. In my hotel alone we have 3 outdoor hot tubs, one indoor, a sauna and a pool.
  • We get 50% off meals while working. The quality of the food is outstanding, so you can get a gourmet meal with shrimp or steak or salmon etc for about $9. Plus we get 25% off when not working within the moutain park lodges restaurant chains.
  • We have cable in our accoms. This makes Stu particularly happy as the hockey season has just begun here. There is pretty much sport on 24/7 on some stations.
  • The air is incredibly clear here, and the water comes direct from glacier sources.
  • We love the D'ed Dog restaurant's Sunday night $8 steak, fries and salad deal.
  • We get to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving and Halloween for the real experience.

  • We really are in the middle of nowhere.
  • Grocery shopping is incredibly expensive. It is cheaper to buy in bulk, which is somewhat irritating, and there are really only 2 or 3 grocery stores here.
  • Our employer is a bit retarded in some ways... quite unfair treatment. We don't get breaks unless it's quiet and they are very strict on stupid things like wearing my glasses on my head while I'm reading.
  • Our first pay check will be minimal as they are docking all security deposits, uniform fees, rent, etc..
  • It gets into the minus freezing temps pretty much everyday so working to and from work is an exercise in survival.
  • The elk are mating so if they're somewhere you need to go, you can't go there without getting chased.
  • The sun doesn't come up til about 8:30am so it makes getting up early feel terrible.
  • The milk and bread here have a sort of acidic after-taste to them and I think the milk is upsetting my tummy. The bread also feels very stale even though it isn't.
  • If you need basic home essentials you pretty much have to order it through the sear's catalogue at home hardware. This town is missing a lot of basic things.
  • I miss my pillow.
  • The constant cold air and altitude can make you very sick and my skin is constantly itchy, dry and flakey which means moisturizing a million times a day, even at work.
  • Some lazy co-workers = beth being frustrated.
  • Stu and I don't get to spend as much time together as we would like to.
  • Most of the attractions are closing / have closed for the winter, including several stores and restaurants in town!
  • It's not Australia.
  • None of you are here to share it with us.
We miss you all. We miss Whitehorse. We miss our family.
We look forward to the beginning of the snow season, and to earning some money once we are all clear of the immediate debt, but we are definitely enjoying it here. Some days more than others. :o)

Me and Jasper, the town Mascot.

The snow is just beginning to fall now..


Anonymous said...



... am i procrastinating from doing any sort of work for my last week of school ever... yup!

Stu & Beth said...

There are too chocolate babies!!

Anonymous said...

. . . I am totally craving a bagel with cream cheese right now.

And perhaps some golden gaytime? ;) ;)

♥ G. xoxoxoxo