Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hi everybody, all is well here in Jasper with Stu and I.

This Thursday just gone we had SNOW!!!!! It snows a little here in the fall, but not much, so to see the streets covered and the snow falling heavily enough to make snowballs here was quite exciting!!! Stu and I were both working at the time, but I ran outside to take some photos. These photos were taken about 15 minutes after the snow started to fall, and by the time we finished work at 11pm, the streets were blanketed in the most beautiful, soft, powdery snow I've ever seen. The roads get very icy after the snow is ground into the asphalt by cars, so walking home was an exercise in balance and sliding!

Stu and I went out with some friends after work and ended up walking home through the town at 1am, throwing snowballs and writing in the snow on a few car windows. (read: Stu wrote words like "poop" and "pee pee" on every car.)

We tested out our new snow boots, and to my pleasure they turned out to be very comfortable and warm, although it was only about -5 out at the time. The town of Jasper is so peaceful and beautiful when covered in snow, every stretch of ground was pure white. The snow here is so soft and powdery, not like the hard icy, wet stuff you get in Aus. Making a snow ball is like picking up a piece of Styrofoam! Stu and I took turns throwing them at signs, street lights, even jasper, the town mascot. Of course we didn't throw them at each other, it was too cold. That will have to wait for another day.

We were both very excited about the snow, but I am in no hurry to make it happen again. Once winter kicks in we'll have plenty and it will stay around for months. It is definitely starting to get verrrrry colllld here in Jasper.

Me and Malorie, a fellow employee out in the snow!

I am however looking forward to seeing the town lit up for Christmas with all the lights and snow. I think it'll be quite special!

In other news, Stu and I are wondering if we should leave Jasper to work in Banff or Fernie - two other ski resort towns in Canada. Banff has a little more to offer than Jasper does, and we are not too sure about our employers here in Jasper. More on that another time though. We will keep you posted.

We will post more pics of the snow as it falls, you can be sure to see a lot of them in the coming months!!!
We miss you all,
b. x

1 comment:

some girl said...

Poop and peepee, Stu you great big kid.
Yay for snow! It's starting to get hotter here...