Thursday, January 15, 2009

A White Christmas..

Hi everyone, Sorry it's been such a long time in between posts. I am working a lot more than I was in November, having moved departments within the hotel. I now work in Central Reservations, which is where we book guests into our hotels. It's a much better job, and I am enjoying it much more than front desk. My hours are still a little erratic so I don't get as much spare time to blog, in between sleep, work and trying to stay fit.

Anyway, since our last blog, Christmas and New Years have come and gone, and we've had some great experiences here. Along with a cold snap that came through southern Alberta, we experienced nearly two weeks of weather under -30. Walking to work became a lesson in survival and out-running hypothermia. Any exposed skin becomes frost-bitten, so you end up looking like an afgan in a burka, just to get to work!

There was also snow... lots and lots of snow. At one stage we had so much snow that cars outside were nearly completely buried under it. I love waking up and looking out the window to see this kind of thing. It really reminds you of how different Canada is to Australia.
You adapt to the cold quicker than you'd think. The week after the cold snap we had a swing from -45 to -4, and the change felt like a summer's day. Christmas day was about -12, which was fairly comfortable.

We went over to the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge on Christmas eve with some friends from work. Stu had to work til 11pm, so I went over earlier to see the light displays they had put up. JPL spends approx $50,000 a year on Christmas lights and Decorations. It's insane.

You drive through the entrance and there are literally dozens and dozens of massive trees covered in lights. All throughout the property they have Christmas displays and decorations on show. The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge is the most expensive place to stay in Jasper. The queen stays here when she comes over every few years. She stays in a cabin that is worth $12,000 per night!! Our tour guide graciously drove us around the property and showed us the cabins, staff accom and general layout of the cabin side of JPL. By this stage Stu had joined us and we got to see some elk face to face, from the safety of a car!
Anyway, we had planned to skate on the frozen lake outside JPL (Lake Mildred), but it turns out they don't do night skating anymore. We will definitely be doing that another day though!
An elk, at JPL.. about 2 metres away! I'd be just shorter than the stone pillar.

Stu in front of one of many massive, elaborate Christmas trees at JPL

Hanging out with Fred and Barney, local residents at JPL. These are roughly to scale as well!

Our little tree and the tonnes of gifts from family!

Christmas day was lovely. Thank you so much to our families for sending out gifts over, they made for such a great reminder of home. It snowed on Christmas morning. Stu and I took our time waking up, making "brunch" of bacon and eggs on toast. We opened our gifts and lazed around a bit, before heading over to Anthony's Restaurant (one of our hotel's restaurants) and enjoyed a traditional turkey dinner that was so amazing we just couldn't fit it all in! We walked home in -26 degrees (and I nearly died of hypothermia..) and spent the rest of the night cuddled up watching movies and resting. It was a really nice, relaxing day and despite the cold the snow made it magical!
Stu at Athony's Restaurant for Christmas Dinner

Ice sculptures outside the Sawridge Inn on Christmas Eve

New Year's eve was a bit of a non-event, Stu was working til 11, and he didn't finish up til just before 12, so I spent the night watching tv and making resolutions :o)
Anyway, I will upload a ton of our Christmas/New Year's-related pics for you to enjoy. We miss you all and hope you had a great Chrissy!
lv beth. x
Wearing the sock-puppet mittens Stu got me for Christmas, in front of the oiler's blanket I got for him..

My Snowboarding Marmot... he's so cute!!

The Fireplace at the JPL dining room where we had dinner. Note the giant Bison head..

Us, Christmas 2008

1 comment:

grace_elizabeth said...

More blogs, more blogs!

Miss your faces.

Love love love!